Thursday, April 19, 2012

Microwave News Short Takes

Microwave News Short Takes

While Brundtland was director-general of the WHO (1998-2003), she revealed that she was electrosensitive (see MWN, M/A02, p.6 and M/J02, p.8). In an interview with reporter Thomas Ergo, published today inAftenbladet, a daily newspaper, Repacholi calls Brundtland's disclosure "unfortunate." Repacholi does not believe that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a real condition: He complains that he was barred from issuing fact sheets that said so by Brundtland's office. "If the science disagrees with the Director-General, then that was it. We could not do anything about it," he told Ergo.

Brundtland, a medical doctor who served as the prime minister of Norway for more than ten years in the 1980s and 1990s, declined to comment. (Maybe she will address EM sensitivity when she delivers a lecture on "The Importance of Public Health to Global Wellbeing" in Canada next week at the opening of the University of Waterloo's new school of public health. Maybe not.)

Henrik Eriksson of the U.K. group Mast Victims has posted a translation of the Aftenbladetarticle under the headline"Repacholi Attacks Gro Harlem Brundtland on EHS Claims." Also today, Aftenbladet, released a video of Ergo's interview with Repacholi (both are speaking in English). The headline runs: "I Offered To Examine Gro. But She Would Not Hear of It." (Google translation).

Ergo has also just published a 26-page article in the Norwegian magazine, Plot, titled "The Ridiculous and the Pursuit of Gro" (Google again).

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